Journey 2 - Build It

Your internal structure and team you build will influence your Nonprofit’s Success.


Building a Strong Nonprofit Tribe

After you’re clear on your Nonprofit’s Vision and how you’d like to deliver your programming, you need to assemble a team or Tribe to help you execute. You didn’t start a Nonprofit to do everything on your own and quite frankly, you can’t do it alone without losing your mind in the process.

As your Coach, I’ll work with you to ensure you are positioned to attract supporters that will become strong and effective members of your Tribe, whether they are Board Members, Volunteers or Staff Members.


01 — Prepare

Before you reach out to recruit Board Members, you need to make sure your messaging is clear and you have a Vetting Process in place. Not everyone that expresses an interest in being a Board Member will be a good fit. I’ll work with you to ensure you are prepared to engage supporters and have a Vetting Process in place.

02 — Engage

There are ways to engage supporters who want to know more about your organization. Together we’ll plan an Informational Session that will allow them to experience your organization firsthand.

03 — Equip

You cannot build a strong and effective Tribe without ensuring they are equipped to go out into the world and support you. We’ll work together to ensure your Team has the information and resources necessary to share the wonderful work of your organization with confidence.

04 — Cultivate

The success of your organization is hinged on your relationships and how well you are able to tap into your networks and that of your Tribe/Team/Supporters. Together (and in partnership with your Tribe), we’ll implement strategies to ensure you’re able to consistently grow your Nonprofit’s Network.

When you are clear on your vision, others can see themselves in it.

Build a Strong Tribe now.